
TrustLaunch is a unique investment platform designed for those who are looking for promising opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Our approach to investing is based on the concept of INO (Initial Name Offerings), which is an innovative alternative to crypto projects that have become traditional. Unlike conventional investing, where there is often no understanding of how the money will be distributed in the project, what the size of the investor community is, INO focuses on using unique names as the basis for value creation and distribution. Projects raise money on their name$ TNS, and investees have their names and reputations in the community. TrustLaunch is an important puzzle piece in the future Trust Name Space (TNS) ecosystem.

Описание изображения

The TrustLaunch platform will host a wide range of projects after the launch of TNS Names, each powered by the reputation of the name. Names don't just represent digital ownership, but also unlock access to specific benefits, rewards, and participation in the project's ecosystem. These names can be used for everything from granting voice rights to gaining exclusive content or access to special events.

What makes TrustLaunch unique?

  • Innovative INO model: We offer a new way to invest and participate in blockchain projects by investing in project names with a transparent distribution history using your own name. This approach allows us to assess the true size of the community and the quality of investors, as well as to track the funds invested in projects.
  • Access to exclusive projects: At TrustLaunch, you'll find projects you can't find anywhere else, with opportunities to invest at the earliest stages.
  • Community and engagement: The platform not only allows you to invest, but also to actively participate in project development, voting and decision-making.

We invite you to join TrustLaunch and start your journey in the world of crypto investing with us. Discover the power of INO.
We are now running a beta version of the platform with simplified functionality, emails are used instead of investor names. Once the name contract is launched the platform will move to web3 using subjectivity for investors.

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Now Sales

Project Name INO Token Price Expected ROI Status Total Raised Total Token Sold Offer Ended At Before Price Increase
Trust Name Space


Х108.00 Active

$ 130,206.53


30 Oct 2024